
Robin Da Silva

Maker of Nest Content

Having been a Software Engineer building web apps for just under 10 years, I can happily say that I wouldn't have changed a thing. My work taught me that it's not just about technical details, but also about solving real business problems, especially for startups which are cash strapped.

My entrepreneurial journey actually began with a couple online clothing businesses like Classic Portuguese in 2016 and ClothProject in 2018. Although not the most successful startups 🥲 (thanks if you supported them), the desire to start something of my own has always been there.

What I did notice, were content creation challenges not just in my own ventures, but also whilst working with Pasta Evangelists and Quill Content/Jellyfish. The key challenges included:

  • High-cost content production and marketing
  • Time-consuming writing processes
  • QA and publishing
  • SEO research and strategy

Solving these pain points that a lot of colleagues and I experienced in the past was my main motivation for starting Nest Content. And I can safely say, it does exactly that.

If you're interested in trying Nest Content, you can sign up for a free trial below.

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Robin Da Silva

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WordPress Automation

WordPress automation tools streamline content management by automating repetitive tasks, saving time for content managers. The post discusses benefits, tools, and introduces Nest Content as a solution for automated publishing and AI-assisted content creation.